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Kurse & Sessions

Airsoft Skirmish at Valley Adventure Centre

Airsoft Skirmish is the newest addition to the Centre's Group Combat Activities. It is for those that like Paintball, but want more realism from the experience with 4x the playable space and NO mess! Airsoft Skirmish is an intense large site experience with realistic missions - day and night - through varied terrain, down tracks to a closed Adventure Park, littered with wooden complexes, an apocalyptic themed arena and even a 3 story tower! There's a zone for every kind of airsoft player at Valley Adventure Centre.

Entfernung: 3-5 hrs,

Preis: £23.50 - £32.85

Weitere Informationen

Equipped with industry leading equipment (Military Simulations Spec Training Rifles). The RIFs (Replica Imitation Firearms) are 1:1 size and weight (minus the magazine) for a fully immersive feel to firing the 6mm biodegradable airsoft pellet down range at 250mph.

Safe to say, with the airsoft guns set to MAX, this activity isn't for the faint hearted... if however you're looking for that max adrenaline, 3 hour rush - this is for you!

Bring your friends, family or work colleagues or celebrate an event in a very different way and spend several hours tactically moving, crawling, sniping, stalking and attacking your friends! All own equipment players welcome. rifles must fire <375fps w/0.20g BB. Visit our website for more information.

  • Outdoor
  • Familienfreundlich
  • Paare
  • Parkplatz


Valley Adventure Centre
Mont a la Brune
St. Brelade

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Valley Adventure Centre

Excitement from the ground up! Jersey’s only high ropes Adventure Centre with much, much more! Set in a secluded and stunning natural valley, Valley Adventure Centre offers a fantastic range of adventure activities for families, corporates, individuals and parties, all year round!

von £19.50
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