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Battery Lothringen Open Days

Welcome to Battery Lothringen at Noirmont! We invite you to explore this unusual two-storey bunker complex and adjacent MP1 range-finding tower. Knowledgeable members will be on hand to help you with your visit and the CIOS has also progressively opened up a large proportion of the Battery's sealed bunkers behind the Command Bunker which allows the interested visitor to explore them.

Entfernung: 2-3 Stunden

Weitere Informationen

Originally intended as 'Marine Battery 2', armed with four modern quick-firing 15cm turreted guns which never arrived thanks to the success of Allied bombing raids in Europe, Coastal Artillery Batterie Lothringen at Noirmont Point was the only Kriegsmarine (Naval) battery found in Jersey and armed with ex-battleship 15cm guns.

The 'eyes' of the Battery is the large multi-floored Command Bunker equipped with both a 6 metre range finder and Azimuth direction finding periscopes protected by armoured turrets. Originally equipped with state of the art equipment to calculate the target location and how elements would affect the shell's flight, today parts of the bunker are restored to how it looked when operational. There is also information on Allied attacks that took place off the headland, items found in the surrounding area, and you can even look through one of the periscopes!

  • Indoor
  • Outdoor
  • Parkplatz


Battery Lothringen
Le Chemin de Noirmont

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Battery Lothringen

Battery Lothringen was the only German Naval batterie in Jersey. In the 90's the CI Occupation Society recovered one of the batteries gun barrels, which were thrown off the cliffs at the end of the war and this is on display in Gun emplacement Number One. The area provides a good few hours of exploration so, give yourselves time to see everything.

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