Kurse & Sessions
Snorkelling with Bouley Bay Dive Centre
Join our experienced instructors and guides for a snorkel lesson and tour, exploring what Jersey has to offer under the sea. The session is 1.5 hours and will include an explanation of the equipment used, breathing techniques, positioning in the water, and a tour of marine life.
These lessons and tours are offered around Jersey, with our most popular being at the trails Bouley Bay and Portlet. These dates are just some examples but we snorkel all the time, so contact us for your preferred dates and location.
- Reservierung nötig
Entfernung: 1-2 Stunden
Preis: Ab £45
Weitere Informationen
- Outdoor
- Familienfreundlich
- Paare
- Haustiere erlaubt
- Accessible Parking Or Drop-off Point
Bouley Bay Dive Centre
Bouley Bay
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Bouley Bay Dive Centre
Five star PADI scuba diving resort and BSUPA paddle boarding school overlooking the north coast of Jersey at Bouley Bay. The longest established dive centre in Jersey offering a full range of dive courses, equipment sales, rentals and servicing, snorkelling boat trips, paddleboarding instruction and rental along with regular yoga classes.

Bouley Bay
Bouley Bay is a tiny harbour on the north coast flanked by green cliffs with a sandy shelf descending into deep blue waters. Follow a series of hairpin bends as the road winds its way down towards the bay to reveal a deep anchorage. The pebble beach shelves steeply into deep waters best enjoyed by stronger swimmers.

Portelet Bay
Der Weg zur Portelet Bay im Westen Jersey ist bereits ein Abenteuer für sich. Wer den steilen Abstieg von der Klippe über die Stufen auf sich nimmt, kann sich am Strand mit einem Sprung ins kristallklare Wasser belohnen. Wie die St. Aubin's Bay liegt auch die Portelet Bay nach Süden, sodass man den ganzen Tag über die Sonne genießen kann.