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Discover Jersey | Open Top All-Island Tour

Experience Jersey's most iconic locations on our Open Top Island Tours. Explore diverse coastlines across the East and West coast and unearth Jersey's unique history with our audio guided island tours, available in French, German and English Audio.

Entfernung: 1-2 Stunden

Preis: £10 - £15

Weitere Informationen

'Western Tour: Lighthouse Way' | Known for its wild beauty, Jersey’s west coast is rich in historical sites and breathtaking landscapes. From the majestic Corbiere Lighthouse to the expansive coastline of St Ouens Bay - your adventure awaits!

'Eastern Tour: Castle View' | Our eastern tour hugs the rocky east coastline passing historic sea towers, fishing communities, oyster bays and golfing greens all the way to Gorey, where you will journey towards the iconic Mont Orgueil Castle. Continuing on up and around the quaint narrow roads you will head north reaching the breath-taking St. Catherine’s Bay and Breakwater.

Please note, the stops are for pictures and a quick look around - our driver will inform you of the length of each stop on the tour. As traffic can affect the time we are able to stop, stopping times may vary from day to day. Each of the above tours are 2 hours, but for the full Jersey experience you can combine both tours for our 'Discover Jersey' Package and get a 15% discount!

Our pick up & drop off location is Liberation Station (Stand O) - a five minute stroll from the Ferry Terminal and right in the heart of St Helier!

For more information, visit our website jerseybustours.com

  • Indoor
  • Outdoor
  • Familienfreundlich
  • Paare

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