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Musical Walk – Ouaisné to St. Brelade

From the Smuggler’s Inn, Ouaisné embark on a delightful guided musical walk across the headland to St. Brelade's Church. Stopping for soulful performances along the way, enjoy international soloist Harriet Mackenzie playing violin with friends and Music in Action's Young Artist Omara Silvester creating a harmonious blend of music and ambiance.

  • Ouverture saisonnière

Prix: £5 - £18

Plus d'infos

Be serenaded as you take a guided walk starting from the Smuggler’s Inn, Ouaisné across the bay, over the headland, through the Winston Churchill Memorial Park to St. Brelade's Church. Sure to sell out, join Harriet Mackenzie, an internationally renowned violinist and soloist with her friends. Harriet has performed across all five continents and has recorded with Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra Nova and the English Symphony Orchestra to critical acclaim.

Walk start: Smuggler's Inn, La Mont du Ouaisné, St. Brelade, JE3 8AW
Walk End: St Brelade's Church, La Marquanderie, St. Brelade, JE3 8LL

£17.50 per person; £5 child ticket; £1 OAP discount

Informations d'ouverture

Nous sommes ouverts:

Principales caractéristiques
  • Intérieur
  • Extérieur
  • Famille
  • Couples
  • Animaux acceptés
  • Parking


Smuggler's Inn
La Mont du Ouaisné
St. Brelade