Faire du shopping à Jersey est une expérience en soi. Découvrez les marques de luxe, profitez des grands magasins, admirez de beaux bijoux et récupérez la TVA lors de vos achats dans la rue principale de St Helier.
Promenez-vous dans les rues piétonnes, prenez le temps de parcourir les marchés historiques, faites vous plaisir avec les produits artisanaux fabriqués localement dans des boutiques éphémères en plein air et visitez les magasins d’antiquités et des boutiques uniques.
Découvrez quelque chose de différent.
Faites vous plaisir dans les rues commerçantes et sur les marchés de Jersey. Emportez chez vous un petit morceau de l’île pour le chérir pour toujours.
Marchés et produits fermiers.
Imprégnez-vous de l’atmosphère de l’île en vous promenant sur les nombreux marchés et boutiques dans les fermes de Jersey. Vous y trouverez des produits locaux et des souvenirs uniques à emporter.
Tout ce qui brille… est probablement de l’or..
Découvrez les nombreux joailliers de Jersey et repartez avec un bijou qui durera toute une vie.

de Gruchy Department Store
Jersey’s most beautiful luxury department store offering Jersey prices at 10% Lower than UK High Street stores. Loved by all, it's stunning beauty hall is second to none and it's women's fashion, accessories and shoe departments provide a relaxed and welcoming experience. First established in 1810, the store has been a landmark for over 200 years.

Hettich Jewellers
World class watch and jewellery brands at low tax prices. Discover the sparkling selection on offer at Hettich Jewellers. A treasure trove of fine jewellery and watches, from exceptional Patek Philippe timepieces to fine diamonds and gemstones, shopping in Jersey's Hettich Jewellers with its VAT and GST-free prices guaranteed to delight the senses.

Catherine Best Jewellers
The beautiful Windmill is home to Catherine Best Jewellers, which is the perfect setting to admire Catherine’s truly individual designs. The beauty of the Channel Islands, the colour of the sea, bays and landscape have inspired Catherine Best and her daughter Vikki Freeman to design unique, modern jewellery using exquisitely rare materials.
Une pause shopping dans St. Helier .
Des vêtements aux produits de beauté, découvrez toutes les boutiques locales.

de Gruchy Department Store
Jersey’s most beautiful luxury department store offering Jersey prices at 10% Lower than UK High Street stores. Loved by all, it's stunning beauty hall is second to none and it's women's fashion, accessories and shoe departments provide a relaxed and welcoming experience. First established in 1810, the store has been a landmark for over 200 years.

Crew Clothing Jersey
Specialising in men and women's fashion and accessories. We offer a stylish range of clothing, shoes and accessories, perfect for your island life. This British-inspired brand is comfortable, casual and influenced by sporting and yachting traditions.

100% Health
100% Health is the oldest health store in Jersey, trading for over 30 years, and offers the widest range of products of any health store locally. Our aim is for you to experience the widest and finest choice of health foods and natural health related products in a contemporary and modern store.

Eclectic Ladies Boutique
A Jersey family owned business, located in Liberty Wharf Shopping Arcade where the locals go to shop. If you’re after something different from the High Street this is the place to go! Eclectic is for women who like fashion, who want to look good but don’t want to spend ages doing so, who want to be comfortable but not at the expense of style.