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Arts & cultures | Famille | Festivals | Musique | Extérieur

Musical Walk – Seafield House

Embark on a captivating musical journey through the scenic grounds of historic Seafield House, previously the home of an Austrian princess. Serenaded by international violin soloist Harriet Mackenzie and friends including cellist Urska Horvat. The stunning selection of music includes the best of Mozart to South American tangos.

  • Ouverture saisonnière

Prix: £5 - £18

Plus d'infos

Enjoy a Liberation walk with a musical twist on Liberation Day as you're led by a guide through the scenic grounds of historic Seafield House discover the remarkable events from the link to the Mayerling scandal to occupation in the Second World War. Violin soloist Harriet Mackenzie and friends lead the atmospheric music including Mozart Duos and the great tango La Cumparsita. Parking is on Victoria Avenue or at the Glass Church. The bus stop is Millbrook if travelling by bus.

Children £5, Adults £18