Explore Jersey.

Inspirez-Moi. Voir tout
L'histoire et le patrimoine de Jersey

Plongez dans le riche passé de l'île.

Plein air

Un retour à la nature lors de votre break insulaire.


Découvrez la fierté et la passion des jersiais pour leur île.


Nos produits locaux font notre fierté

Activités & Bien-être

Venez prendre l'air.

Les indépendants de Jersey

Votre guide des talents qui façonnent notre île et lui confèrent son esprit indépendant.


Découvrez tout ce que Jersey a à offrir.

À voir, À faire. Voir tout

Des lieux uniques où l'aventure vous attend.


Concerts, festivals, expos, imprégnez-vous de l'ambiance insulaire.

Tours & visites

Découvrez l'île comme un local.


Dégustez une portion de vie insulaire.

Activités de plein air

Explorez les grands espaces à Jersey.


Marques de créateurs et trouvailles locales.


Activités à l'extérieur

Stroll in Jersey with Alan Ley

Alan Ley, Ex Forces (Army, Infantry 1982-1994) has lived in Jersey over 17 years and was also a Volunteer Tour Guide and Training Mentor for new volunteers at Jersey Heritage. Stroll In Jersey is a personal service for individuals or groups to take walks and tours in Jersey, both rural and urban. Please see Eventbrite for more details on costs.

Prix: à partir de £15

Plus d'infos

Themed Tours such as war walks, historic, culture and twilight walks. Remedial walks for injury recovery etc are also available, as are cliff walks, along with charity based walks and tours. The duration of a walk/tour would normally be one hour to three hours except long coastal cliff walks. Bookings must be made in advance. Alan is linked to many organisations in Jersey such as Channel Islands Occupation Society. Also linked to Jersey Heritage, The Botanical Gardens at Samarès Manor and is now Jersey’s Professional Tour Guide with www.toursbylocals.com.

Informations d'ouverture

Ouvert toute l'année

Principales caractéristiques
  • Intérieur
  • Extérieur
  • Parking


Stroll in Jersey
Various Locations
St. Helier

Tours & activités disponibles

Twilight Walks with Stroll in Jersey

Welcome to the Stroll In Jersey Twilight Walks. Join us for a leisurely evening walk through our beautiful island as the sun sets. Take in picturesque views, enjoy the fresh air, and connect with fellow walkers at these relaxed and casual experiences. Whether you're a local looking to explore your town in a new light or a visitor wanting to experience the magic of Jersey at twilight, this event is perfect for everyone. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unwind and appreciate the beauty around you. See you there!

de £15
Réservation nécessaire

Jul 03 2024 Sep 13 2024

Parish Walks with Stroll in Jersey

Welcome to the Stroll In Jersey Parish Walks. These tours are the perfect opportunity to enjoy the fresh air, get some exercise, and socialize with fellow walkers. Whether you're a seasoned walker or just looking for a fun way to spend time on your weekend mornings, this event is for you. Don't miss out on this chance to explore the scenic surroundings of Jersey with a local expert and good company. See you there!

de £10
Réservation nécessaire

Jul 20 2024 Oct 19 2024